Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Always a good time for Otis

I heard some Otis Redding on the way home today.  One of my favorite songs ever.  If you don't like this song there must be something wrong with you.....seriously?!

I have been reading a lot from Psalms lately.  I read this verse last night, powerful verse! 

Psalm 40:1-2 I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire.  He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Out to the Picture Show

I went to the movies last weekend, something I haven't done in a while.  I forgot how much I liked it.  I also forgot how expensive it was!  $10.25 is a little ridiculous, but I guess it is no different than spending the money on a couple of drinks at the bar.  We went to go see Safehouse.  I didn't know much about the movie other than it had Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington in it.  Little did I know it would be non-stop action, if it wasn't a car crash it was a shoot out.  Would not have been my first choice, but a good movie overall AND Lord have mercy Ryan Reynolds is a good looking man!! So, it was not difficult looking at him for a couple of hours!  Thought I would provide everyone with a visual. ;)

Pinned Image 

Psalm 37:7  Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

2 hearts beat like 4 dancing feet....

I must admit that I didn't blog too much last week, so if you do follow my blog...sorry!  I really wasn't busy, just nothing to say.  Yet again it is Monday...ugh!  I did not get a darn thing accomplished today at work and I really needed to!  Oh well, always tomorrow. ;)

I had a pretty enjoyable weekend even though nothing significant really happened.  However, I did spend all afternoon yesterday cleaning.  My house was a disaster and I think every piece of clothing I own was dirty. (and I have a lot of clothes, so you can imagine)  I was so glad when I finally got that out of the way! 

I was really tired today because I stayed up way past my bedtime last night.  Saturday I saw that the David Mayfield Parade was playing at Bottletree Sunday night.  I have seen them a couple of times before because they opened for the Avett Brothers and I really enjoyed their set, so I rounded up my brother and another friend to go.  I had never been to the Bottletree before, so I was anxious to see what it was all about.  The Bottletree has the reputation for being a wanna-be hippie hangout.  Wanna-be hippies are the absolute worst.  If you don't know how to spot one I will tell you.  They almost always listen to Widespread Panic, have an Obama sticker on their Subaru (even though they know next to nothing about politics), refer to concerts as "shows", frequent music festivals, and whole heartedly support the legalization of marijuana.  I have never understood this crowd.  They try so hard to preach "one love" and rebel against conformity, but in all actuality they are conforming...just in a different way.  Whether it is a Rolex watch or a hemp bracelet, whether it is driving a Subaru or a Range Rover, you are still are still trying to fit in!  So the moral of the story is just be yourself and don't support Obama because you think it is "cool" (and I emphasize the latter.....)  If you haven't seen the Southpark episode that makes fun of hippies it is pretty spot on.  Click the link below to hear about the "the college know it all hippie"  It is hilarious! my soap box.  The Bottletree is in the Avondale neighborhood, but it seemed like the middle of nowhere.  It turned out to be a pretty cool bar and it wasn't too crowded because it was a Sunday night and the Oscars were also on last night.  Plus they had Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) tall boys! :)  The decor was really eclectic and they had a really unique covered patio.  I found some pictures:

The patio... it was nowhere near this crowded when we were there. 
Best shot I could find of the stage.  As you can see it is a pretty small venue, just read that it has a 75 people capacity.  photo source:

After reading up on the Bottletree they also serve food, including a Sunday brunch.  Click here to see their full menu.  Overall, a good small venue for music.  I would definitely go back.

David Mayfield Parade put on a great show! David is a big ham and cracks jokes throughout his set.  He also gets close and personal with his audience.  He actually serenaded my brother on his knees when he ventured into the audience.  He also sang the last song in the middle of the audience sitting Indian style! If you ever get a chance to see him I would definitely recommend it.  My favorite song they sang last night was "Breath of Love".  I actually posted it on my facebook page last week, before I even knew I was going to see him last night.  Enjoy!

love this lyric from this song :)

"...if I could be anything I'd be hers....I'm sweet on her I suppose..."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Starburst Jelly Beans = Crack

I don't really like candy, but these are my new addiction.  With Easter fast approaching I started to crave jelly beans.  Last week while at Walgreens I purchased a whole bag (not a snack size bag) of Starburst jelly beans and proceeded to eat the whole bag.  I am planning on stocking up this weekend becuase I have a feeling these jelly beans might be seasonal.  Buy a bag (or several) and you will become addicted.

photo source:

2 Timothy 1:7  For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Favorite Things: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

In honor of Mardi Gras lots of people I work with brought goodies to work today.  Of course, being single I have a limited pantry and little motivation to cook.  However, I woke up earlier than usual today, so I decided to run by Krispy Kreme and contribute a dozen doughnuts, because let's be honest who doesn't like Krispy Kreme doughnuts?  I love doughnuts in all forms, but Krispy Kreme are the absolute best, no contest.

The original Krispy Kreme opened in North Carolina in 1937 and they have been making the best doughnuts ever since.  I like them because they remind me more of a beignet.  They are so light and fluffy, not hard and cakey like some doughnuts.  Plus, they are always perfectly glazed.  I went in the store this morning and saw them coming through the conveyor belt hot and freshly glazed....hmmmmm.  I could never work there!  I would at least a dozen doughnuts a day.  The original glazed doughnut has about 200 calories according to Krsipy Kreme and let me tell you it is worth every single calorie!  So, if you are on a diet let this be your cheat!  Look for the "Hot Now" sign and pull won't regret it ;)

photo source:

Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Brakes and Babies

Why are Mondays so exhausting, even if you don't do anything the prior weekend?  Plus, today it was worse knowing that there were lots of people that were getting to sleep in because it was President's Day.  However, it only took me 20 minutes to get to work this morning! :) (which is never the case)  I found this President's Day post on Pinterest and had to share; I literally laughed out loud:

Pinned Image

I headed back to Haleyville, my hometown, last weekend to make the rounds and attend one of my best friend's baby shower.  I also got to meet Woody, a blonde cocker spaniel that came upon my parents' house several weeks ago.  My Daddy, having a soft spot for dogs, has taken a liking to him already, naming him Woody after he asked aournd and couldn't find the owner.  He keeps saying he is trying to find a "a home" for him, but I think Woody found a home already. ;)  He was absolutely adorable and I would have taken him home myself if I had a bigger backyard.  I wish I would have taken a picture of him!

Saturday  morning I finally got my brakes fixed in Haleyville.  Good decision on my part to return home for new brakes, I saved over $200!  Whoever quoted me that ridiulous price a couple of weeks ago in Birmingham ought to be ashamed!  Taking advantage of a young, naive, (ok, maybe just naive) girl!  However, I did have to hear my Daddy complain about how I waited too long and should have had them checked know what they say "Father knows best".  In my case, Father ALWAYS knows best, he is NEVER wrong ;)

One of my best friends had her baby shower Saturday afternoon and it was so good to see all my old friends.  It is so weird to see your friends with pregnant bellies.  I remember as a child you have in your head how it will feel to be an adult, but you never feel like an "adult".  I still feel like we are not old enough to have babies!  I feel like we should be riding back roads in used cars and asking our parents' permission to stay out later than our curfew. 

I think the baby shower went well and my friend got lots of precious things for her sweet baby girl.  One of my other friends had a baby girl in December and we went to see her Saturday night after the shower.  She was adorable! After baby girl went to sleep, we sat out on her screen porch and caught up on everything!  There is nothing like my friends from back home.  These girls have been with me from kindergarten and we have all somehow managed to stay friends.  We have been through grammar school, high school, college, marriages, and now babies.  We all know exactly what the other one is thinking and they are part of the few people in this world that can make me laugh until my side hurts.  The kind of laughing, where you are laughing so hard you are not making a sound and can't catch your breath.  I can''t remember the last time I laughed so hard!

Isn't she the cutest pregnant person and aren't my friends gorgeous?!

I also have to mention my belated Valentine's Day present from my Daddy.  It should be noted emphasis was never placed on Valentine's Day when I was growing up.  My mother taught kindergarten in a rural school and always stressed to my brother  and I, "some children never get anything"!  So needless to say me and my brother never received balloons, stuffed animals, or flowers.  When I got home, my mother brought out a big Bed Bath and Beyond bag with a "Valentine's gift" that my Daddy picked out.  It was a panda Pillow Pet.  If you are not familiar with Pillow Pets, as you probably guessed it is a combination of a pillow and a stuffed animal.  Of course, if you knew my father you would understand why he got me this.  His sense of humor is dry to say the least.  Ironic, I finally got a stuffed animal 20 years later!  So I named the panda Pillow Pet Polly and Lucy has really enjoyed it.  She checks on the Pillow Pet sporadically, making sure it is not real.  Here is my new Pillow Pet:
Pillow Pets Panda Pillow (PPANDA-MC6)

Happy President's Day everyone!  Hope you got the day off to relax!

Matthew 21:22   If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How fickle my heart....

Mumford and Sons let Lucy be in a video....psych!  The dog does look just like her though.  Awesome version of "Awake my Soul" and plus I love the lyrics to this song......"and now my heart stumbles on things I don't know, my weakness I feel I must finally show..."

Ephesians 4:26-27
In your anger do not sin.  Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry and do not give the devil a foothold.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Expect the Unexpected

It is bound to happen.  You run in to people unexpectedly, particularly when you look horrible.  Then there is no way you can avoid them and you have to make small talk for fifteen minutes.  If there is one thing I can't stand it is small talk.

Then there are those "run-ins" that you can't avoid, that will happen the moment you least expect it.  The family member that you haven't talked to in months for whatever reason, the person that used to be your best friend until you grew apart, or the worst is the person that used to be in love with you.  This happened to me recently, I saw my ex-boyfriend out a restaurant.  No words were spoken.  The person who used to be my best friend, the first person I called when anything happened, and now it is like you are strangers.  What is the time frame?  How long will you have to wait before that moment isn't the most awkward moment in the whole entire world?  Yes, I know I am being over dramatic ;)

This is how the previous mentioned situation feels.  It feels like someone punches you in the stomach, you're short of breath, your heart beats out of your chest, your blood pressure rises, and your hands start to shake.  My friend, who witnessed my come apart, actually pointed out she could tell I was anxious because my chest had broken out in hives, which only happens when I am anxious or angry.  As you can tell I really handled the situation well. :) Then what stings even more, is you are absolutely sure that he did not feel this way at all.  This mishap probably fell under the category of "minor inconvenience" for him.

OK, truthfully, what did I want to do?  I wanted to go over and hug him.  I wanted to ask him how he was, ask him what he had been doing, I wanted to make sure he was happy.  I just wanted to talk to him, but I didn't.  I sat there like I was glued to my seat and avoided him the entire night until I turned around and he was gone.  I didn't have to see him anymore.  His face will now only be confined to the images I keep in my head, that can't seem to leave, even though I try every day to erase them.

What do you do?  You get up, leave, and pray these images, these thoughts will leave your head, and not dominate your thoughts.  I guess that's all you can do.

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bitter Betty

Today is the day society chose to force people to tell their loved ones how much they care for them.  My Valentine greeted me when I got home with the same vigor she always greets me with.  Here is a picture of my Valentine:

I must say she is not as cute as previous Valentines (I do prefer the 2 legged kind), but she is pretty darn cute and loves me a whole bunch.  I'll take what I can get.  Of course, Lucy didn't know it was Valentine's Day, she shows me how much she loves me every day, regardless of the date.  You know people could learn a lot from dogs. Why does there have to be a day to tell the ones you love how much you care for them.  Shouldn't that be every day?

I know what you are thinking...the single girl is writing a jaded post about Valentine's Day.  However, I am proud to say I have the same feelings about Valentine's regardless of my relationship status, thank you very much!  It would be my least favorite holiday, but I don't even recognize it as a "real holiday", so the honor still is reserved to New Year's Eve/Day.

However, on the same note I did have three people call me bitter last week.  One of my good friends even called from Montgomery after reading a blog post to tell me I was much too young to be bitter.  I was unaware you had to reach a certain age to be allowed to feel bitter and jaded?  I am pretty good at it, so I hope I meet the age requirement soon! :) Now, do I want to be bitter, jaded, cynical?  No, of course not!  Those are qualities that are really never presented in a positive light.  I mean think about have never heard someone say "Oh, she is so bitter." and think it was a compliment.  Do I think I am these qualities?  OK, yes, the before mentioned qualities pretty accurately describe my outlook here lately.

Why am I this way?  I think it is a defense mechanism.  Instead of being positive and happy.  I am sarcastic and bitter.  I build walls where I won't get hurt.  I make jokes about disappointments, so people will think I am handling things well, where they won't see I am struggling.  I never allow myself to be completely happy.  If I catch myself too happy, I immediately start to worry when the other shoe will drop.  I'll let Charlie Brown explain:
Pinned Image

I once heard a Paula Deen quote: "You know what they say about southern women: We like to keep our hair-dos high and our expectations low, so we ain't never disappointed!"  I agree Paula, I like to think the worst will happen and then if the end result is different, it is a welcome surprise!  I try to see the glass full, but if I am honest with myself it is half full....oh, OK, almost empty.  Particularly regarding relationships, if I fall head over heels in love, in the back of my mind there is a little voice that always says, "He's doesn't love you as much.  He's gonna change his mind!  He's going to find something wrong with you, just wait and see!"  Then the story plays out and he isn't my prince charming, he did find something wrong. 

I must admit I am somewhat ready for my intution to be wrong and say take that insecurity, he does love me just as much, just exactly the way I am...SO THERE!  So in honor of heart day I am going to try to initiate a new philosophy in my life: "Ignorance is bliss.".  I think I will start assuming the best until proven otherwise.  Now I would never want to be labeled with the title "ignorant", but if it is blissful, why not?  I just looked up the definition of bliss: perfect happiness, great joy. What a great word, yes, "blissful" is my new aspiration.  Now,this won't happen overnight, so don't expect all my posts from here forward to be butterflies and rainbows. ;)

I have to give a shout out to one of my besties, who when I went to eat mexican with her last night brought me a rose and chocolate.  I might not have a tall, handsome man like I did last year, but I've got some pretty kick ass friends! So here's to love in all it forms (family, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, children, pets) and Happy Heart Day from this bitter woman! :)

Psalm 14:15
From his throne he observes all who live on earth.  He made their hearts so he understands everything they do.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Too much birthday fun....

Last weekend turned out to be a long weekend for me, due to an impromptu 30th birthday party Thursday night for my good friend's 30th.  (If you are reading this and work with me, keep it on the down low! :) )This birthday celebration led to a sick day and a horrendous headache on Friday.  After several rounds of Advil and a long nap, the celebration conitnued on Friday night, which included a night of dancing, which hardly ever happens for this girl.  However, it turned out to be a fun night and I think my friend had a good birthday, which is all that matters!  The celebration reminded me my 30th is right around the corner. (eeek!)

Saturday the temperature dropped drastically and it finally felt like winter.  The rest of the weekend comsisted of naps, movies, church, and an afternoon at the dog park with Lucy.  If you have a dog(s) and live in Birmingham you have to take your pet to the Loch Haven Dog Park.  It has two fenced areas, one for small dogs and one for large dogs.  The dog park also has nice walking trails, a big open field ( I think used for soccer), and a creek that runs along side the park.  The park is located in a subdivision on a pretty slow street, so there is no need to worry about the chance of your dog running in the street.  I take Lucy there often and she loves it, particularly the creek.  There is also usually mud puddles in the fenced-in areas that Lucy takes full advantage.  I must say most don't let their dogs get in the puddles, which I don't understand.  I have a 65 lb. dog , she is gonna get dirty, mud puddles or not.  Plus, she stays in my townhouse backyard all week, so on the weekend if she wants to get in a puddle, she can get in as many as she wants!  The park is located several minutes off Lorna Road.  I found a picture of the park, courtesy of

A golden (not mine) enjoying the park.  photo source:
A puppy enjoying the creek.  photo source:

Psalm 32:8
The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Favorite Things: Hobo Wallets

I have had my Hobo wallet for almost 6 years.  I always wanted one when I was in college, but never could afford the price tag.  They are pricey ($90 -$130), but since I have carried it for 6 years I think it has been well  worth it.  Here is my wallet, the Rachel:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1006 Rachel - Vintage,

Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1006 Rachel - Vintage,

Hobo makes a ton of cute wallets! Here are some of my favorites. ( All images were taken from the webisite:
Clio Wallet:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1960 CLIO,
Sadie Wallet:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1928 SADIE,
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1928 SADIE,
Tegan-Vintage Wallet:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1820 Tegan - Vintage,
Sable Wristlet:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1833 Sable,
Robin Compact Wallet:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1004 Robin,

They also have really cute purses!  Here are some of my favorites:

Cinderbox Bag:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1872 Cinderbox,
Arabella Bag:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1813 Arabella,
Drew Bag:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1841 Drew,
Ignite Bag:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1913 Ignite,
Del Norte Bag:
Hobo International Official Store, HOBO-1433 Del Norte,

James 5:15 
And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

This Should be Your Playlist: Sara Bareilles

Just ran and got dinner and on the way home was listening to Sara Bareilles.  (Yes, exciting Saturday night, fast food and movies!)  She is one of my favorite singers and an awesome songwriter.  She had a super popular song, "Love Song", several years back.  You would know if you heard it...."I'm not gonna write you a love song...." anyways it had a real catchy chorus.  However, just like most songs the popular ones they play on the radio are never the best.  She has 2 albums "Little Voice" and "Kaleidoscope Heart", so check them out.  My favorite song she sings is "Gravity".  I absolutely love this song!

"Set me free, leave me be, I don't wanna fall another moment into your gravity
here I am and I stand, so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be......"

Another one of my favorites "King of Anything":

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

10 Things Not to Say to a Single Woman

Yes, I am a single woman in the South, yet again, and I must say it still surprises me the things people say, so I thought I would clue in the public on what not to say to single women.  Trust me every single woman finds these things annoying and some are just down right rude!
  1. "I don't envy you."  Oh, well I am glad you have found your prince charming!  This statement is like a slap in the face.  Most of the time I have to bite my tongue to say "I don't envy you either.  I mean with that husband that never helps and those annoying kids", but see I can't say that because that would be rude! 
  2. "Why aren't you dating anybody?"  The truthful answer is "I don't know."  The answer I want to give is:  "I am an ugly bitch, didn't you hear?"  Older women usually ask this question and when you say "No" their usually response is "I don't know why not."  Me either, good point!
  3. "You're so lucky you get to do whatever you want!"  Yeah, yeah, it sure is loads of fun doing whatever I want all the myself.
  4. "Don't you worry it will happen for you."  This one particularly irritates me, like my life will not be complete until I marry, like I must be miserable all by my lonesome.  You know some people never marry and they are happy....I know shocking!
  5. "I just wanted to have my kids young."  Oh, you did?  I wanted to wait until I was at least 40.  That was the ideal picture in my head. People don't just choose when they have kids, unless you're the octo-mom.  I am glad you had the option to have your kids early, I didn't.
  6. "You must be having the best time dating!"  I think coupled off people just forget.  Dating is by no means fun.  It is awkward and definitely not fun, that is if you get asked out which rarely happens for me.
  7. "You're just so independent!"  Oh, yes, I like to do everything by myself! I have put my foot down swearing off men forever.  I am an independent woman...I don't need a man! (catch my sarcasm?)
  8. "Do you just not want to get married?"  Yes, dumb ass, I want to get married.  I just want to marry the right person.  You're lucky you conveniently found your match at the "appropriate time" to avoid stupid questioning like this, but I didn't.
  9. "You know you have to compromise, you can't get exactly what you want."  Which translates into: Just give into what the man wants, that way you can get married, and fit into the mold society has set for us.
  10. "You're too picky!"  Yes, well that may be this case.  However, the people that I like don't like me and the people that like me I don't like.  Go figure. 
Plus, I am knocking on 30's door.  I figure at this point, I might as well hold out for the perfect match or the closest it can get.  I know I can make it by myself and I hate to tell all the married really isn't as bad as you think!

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Damn you Paula Deen...

After looking at my Pinterest tonight I realized that, yes, I do have the ingredients to make Paula Deen's Gooey Butter Cake.  Yes, of course, I proceeded to make it and, no, there is no need for a single person to make a butter cake.  I looked up the recipe on her website and realized Paula's son, Bobby, has come up wiith a lighter version of the original recipe. (I guess since Mama Deen has diabetes now.)  After closer inspection I decided if I was going to eat butter cake I might as well go all out.  I grew up eating these, but my Mama always called them cream cheese brownies.  This recipe is defintley something you only eat a couple of times a year. (It calls for 2 sticks of butter and lots of powdered sugar!)

photo source:

It is a pretty simple recipe and easy to make!  The ingredients are as follows

1 18 1/4-ounce package yellow cake mix
1 egg
8 tablespoons butter, melted

1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
8 tablespoons butter, melted
1 16-ounce box powdered sugar

Click here for the complete recipe from Ms. Deen's website.  Trust me you will gain extra pounds just eating a couple, but it is definitely worth it.  Enjoy! 

Psalm 37:4  Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Monday, February 6, 2012

First 5K

Last week I didn't post too often.  I was running more than usual to prepare for my first 5K last Saturday.  The weekend started out with a bang!  I left work Friday slightly early to get my brakes checked.  The mechanic comes out and tells me I need front and back brakes, which I figured.  Then he tries to tell me it will be $437.  No, thank you!  That just seems too much, so I thought I would consult with my Daddy about the price before the service was performed.  (Even though I hate to ask my Daddy anything, because he is what people like to call a "know it all".)  After the consult with the father, decided to hold off until the next time I go home.  Funny, they usually price a different quote to a 6'4, 300 lb. man.  I wonder why? ;)

I took the brake quote as a bad omen for the weekend.  I went home and checked the weather for my run Saturday and it was a 60% percent chance of rain! Ugh! However, I went to bed early in hopes that the rain would hold out.  It did and it turned  out to be a pretty day for the most part Saturday.

I must say I was pretty proud of myself Saturday morning.  I ran the whole time and did not come in last place.  There were quite a few people in front of me, but I was still excited I completed it!  I started running several months back, when my ex-boyfriend started training for a half marathon.  I never exercise, other than walking my dog, and I thought it would be good for me.  I have been blessed to have a tall and thin frame, but I thought a little exercise would give me some more energy.  I chose a couch to 5K program and started running.  When I first started, I couldn't even run a minute without huffing and puffing.  I had no endurance at all.  I have to say these programs really work.  Now I run about 30-45 minutes 3 times a week no problem all.  I used a program from Cool Running.  I think it is the original one.

Pinned Image

I never thought I would like running, but I actually do.  I worry, though I try not to, about stuff that doesn't amount to a hill of beans.  When you are running, you don't think about anything, but your goal.  It is like your mind is a complete blank, no worries.  Now will I ever run a marathon?  Probably not, but I will continue running?  Definitely, I am already thinking about running another race next month. 

After I started running I decided to buy a good pair of shoes.  I went to buy some and fell in love with an Adidas pair; however, they were a too expensive for my liking.  I decided to go with a pair of Brooks running shoes, because they were so light on my feet and I haven't been disappointed. These are my shoes, the Ghost 4.  I got mine at DSW and they were less expensive than they are on their website.
I also broke down and got a good watch, even though I haven't quite figured out how to use it yet! Good thing it is cute, because I am beginning to wonder if I will ever learn how to use it... It is a Sportline watch and I got it a Dick's Sporting Goods.  It was a little pricey, but I had an old gift card, so it didn't turn out to be too bad.
Sportline Women's SOLO 925 Heart Rate Monitor - Dick's Sporting Goods  
                                              photo source:

Overall, relaxing weekend which also included an afternoon at Veterans Park with Lucy, a pedicure and dinner with a good friend, church, and a delicious brunch of shrimp and grits with my brother.  I also think there was a football game?  :)

I ended up trying out a new church Sunday.  I am a gyspy when it comes to church, always going to different ones.  I always think it is interesting to see how others worship.  However, I decided to go to a Methodist church, the denomination I grew up in.  I haven't been to a Methodist church in a while and I forgot they say the Lord's Prayer after the preacher prays. One of the first prayers I learned growing up in church.

Matthew 6:9-13
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

This Should be Your Playlist: Ray Lamontagne

Mr. Lamontagne could sing to me all day and night.  You could pick his voice out of a crowd.  His album "Trouble" is one of my favorite albums ever.  Every single song on it is great; however, I love all his music.  There is a story, that I can't live down, where I cussed my brother out, because he would not quit complaining during a Ray Lamontagne set at a musical festival.  I don't like people talking when Ray is singing. :) I heard him last year at the BJCC concert hall and it was awesome.  One of my favorite songs he sang that night, "Like Rock and Roll and Radio"

"Are we strangers now?  Like rock and roll and the radio."

I had to put another one of my favorites, "Jolene"

"...a picture of you holding a picture of me in the pocket of my blue jeans, I still don't know what love means..."

Saturday, February 4, 2012

If I Were a Boy....

You walk into a hotel bar and see a woman seated by herself, you think to yourself, she must be waiting on a friend.  Then you notice her skirt is slightly shorter than the average.  Time passes and no one shows up.  A well dressed man in an expensive suit comes in and sits next to her.  The woman strikes up a conversation with him. What does the bystander assume about the couple?  The man in a business suit must be a hard working man that had a rough day and needed a drink.  The woman on the other hand, why is she at a hotel bar with a short skirt on?  She must be a gold digger trying to get in that man's pocket.  You might even go so far to wonder if she is a prostitute...

Welcome to the double standard! 

Women that go into bars alone are skanks.  They must be crazy and not have any friends.  Men go to bars, because ,bless their hearts, they have had a hard day and need a drink.  A man walks into the bar by himself and no one bats an eye.  Even if that man has a wife and/or kids at home.  He needs to have a drink and get away from that nagging wife or those annoying kids.  Never mind that his wife also worked a full day, just like him, she needs to be home with "their" kids!

Nothing, I mean nothing,  is more unattractive than a man with children that sits up at the bar multiple nights a week.  Further, I don't like to see a married man, with or without children, at the bar flirting with women, even it is harmless (and sometimes it's not)  I just never understood it.  Do you think single people go to the bar, because it is just loads of fun? They go to meet someone, to fall in love, to get married, to have children.  So...why when that happens do people want to go back to the start?  I guess the grass is always greener.

A married woman with children could never get away with the previous mentioned behavior.  Being a mother is far more important than being a father and you are judged much more harshly if you are not a good one.  A man leaves his family and does not support his family, no one is surprised.  A woman leaves her family with her husband, she is lower than low, and the man is placed on a pedestal.  He must be "born in a manager", as my brother likes to say.  The pedestals always seem to be misplaced when it comes to mothers.  Let's be honest there is not enough pedestals in the world...

Don't get me started about physical appearance!  Men can be old, overweight, and bald and by all means they deserve someone at least 10 years their junior that is drop dead gorgeous.  Women practically have an expiration date that falls around 35, past that point they have too many wrinkles and are getting too old to bear children to these old men that have waited well into their 40s to settle down.  I mean look at Hollywood, everyone swoons over George Clooney.  He is such a handsome playboy! No woman can tame him.  Now think of any 50 year old woman that everyone swoons over.  You can't because there isn't one.  Nobody swoons over a 50 year old single woman in Hollywood or in real life for that matter.  I mean people already question why I can't find anybody to marry and I am just 29! 

Men get bachelor and playboy, women get spinster and old maid.  These women that never get "married off", everyone pities.  "Bless her heart, she could never could find a man to marry her".  Obviously, there is something horribly wrong with her.  I mean it couldn't possibly be the fact that some women choose not to get married, choose not to have children.  Women who don't want to get married and not have children....society frowns on that!

I guess with my 30th birthday fast approaching I have got a lot to look forward to!  :) I mean I am getting wrinkles, will soon get gray hair, and I am sure my ovaries are not spitting out as many eggs.  My worth in the eyes of society is slowing decreasing by the minute. I could go either way.  I could prepare and buy a lot of cats for my spinster role or start dating men a a lot younger than me and become a "cougar".  The problem with these options is A) I don't really care for cats and B) I have trouble rounding up a date with anybody, young or old!

I guess I will just accept my wrinkles and gray hair, to hell with double standard, I have decided it doesn't meet my standards! :)

I thought I would end with Ms. Beyonce....

1 Corinthians 2:9
No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sunday Morning...

What do you think when you think of God?  Do you think of an old man with a long white beard that sits on a throne with lightening bolts in his hands scorning everybody that does not follow his rules?  Not quite the image in my head, in fact, I don't really put physical characteristics to God.  I associate feelings more so with God:  comfort, peace, unconditional love, compassion.  The feelings that come from a relationship with God or unlike any earthly relationship you will ever find.  Faith has always come easy to me, never questioning, always believing without a doubt.  It baffles me that someone can walk outside and see what God has provided for us, the love he has put in our hearts, and not believe God is good... ALLTHE TIME!

Pinned Image  

So do you have to go to church come Sunday morning to have a relationship with God?  I know some people feel like they need to go to church or else they will get in trouble with the man upstairs.  Then others like it so much they go every time the doors are open.  I think I fall somewhere in between.  I enjoy church.  I like to go to church.  I like to sing hymns and hear a good sermon! I go because I want to, not because I am following a "rule".

As an adult I have gone to a variety of churches, going where I feel most comfortable, regardless of the denomination.  I always operate on the principle God doesn't care what church you go to, as long as you are going!  People worship God in different ways, that is why they are so many churches.  I recently moved to Pelham and across the street from my house every day I saw people working tirelessly to build a church; it was a campus of the Church of the Highlands.  The main church is located off I-459 and their congregation is huge!  I think 3/5 people in Birmingham go to Church of the Highlands.  I would see the parking lot full every Sunday.  I thought I have got to see what all this fuss is about.  This pastor must be doing something right...that many people wouldn't be going to his church!  So I decided to go a couple of weeks ago. 

For those of you who haven't been, it is a very contemporary service with a full band that plays contemporary Christian music.  Now I must say it was nice to see people fired up about worshiping God;  however, this girl still likes those old hymns.  I still like to sing "Amazing Grace", "Victory in Jesus", and "It is Well with my Soul"!  Then the pastor comes on via satellite from the main church and I got why people relate to this church.  He's a great speaker. His message that Sunday was how the Bible teaches you to overcome anger.  I am pretty quite girl, but trust me I do have some pent up anger, particularly recently, and was pointing some fingers, that needed to be pointed at myself!  I needed to hear that message that day!

So what is my consensus on Church of the Highlands? Great pastor, great message, but could do without the rock band.  Call me old fashion, but I still like an organ!  Hey...just my opinion. :)  However, would I go back?  Definitely!  Here is the link to the sermon I saw a couple of weeks ago.  If you get angry easily or have judgment in you heart, it really is a good message!

Thought I would end with this video.  It has been floating around facebook.  Interesting...discusses the difference between Christianity and religion. 

Thought with the big football weekend coming up I would end with a certain football player's favorite verse.  If you don't know who I am talking about you must have been under a rock for the past several months!

John 3:16   For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.