Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sometimes it last in love, but sometimes....

Favorite version of this song!  You just can't help but love Adele.  Enjoy! 

Mark 13: 31-33  Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.  But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Springing Forward

I love the time change!  This means summer is just around the corner! :)  I love summer.  I love sitting outside to eat or enjoy a drink.  I love laying out at the pool.  I love going to the beach.  Oh...I can't wait!  However, my sleep schedule is struggling a little bit. 

I woke up last Sunday morning, proceeded to get ready to go to church; however, while I was walking out the door looked down at my phone to realize the time had changed!  Awesome.... well at least I was up and ready for the day. :)

The good thing about the time change is now when I get off work the sunshine is out and it remains light for 2+ hours!  I always feel like I can get more accomplished when the sunshine is out.  Monday I decided to go buy a tanning package.  It should be noted that it has been almost 2 years since I have been to the tanning bed.  The tanning bed has its pros and cons.  The con is it causing wrinkles and with my 30th birthday quickly approaching I try to avoid anything that causes wrinkles like the plague.  The pro is that you look so much better with a tan. It really does give you a youthfu glow!  Therefore, I decided to start going again for a couple of months to prepare for the summer, then replace it with laying out by the pool.  You have to be careful not to go to the tanning bed too much or you will end up with the "tantastic" tan, as I like to call.  The tan that looks too orange and very unnatural.  Fortunately, my skin is so pasty white, that I don't think my pigment could ever reach that shade of orange. 

I decided to buy a package at Palm Beach Tan, because I previously had a membership there when I lived in Montgomery.  The closest one was in Vestavia Hills, which works out because I could stop by on my way home from work.  The problem with going to the tanning bed in Vestavia Hills is you are met with beautiful girls 10 years younger than you that are tanning to go on fabulous spring break vacations that will undoubtedly be financed by their daddies.  So much for getting a youthful I really feel like an old maid!  Plus, those lights in tanning salons, I think they are programmed to make you look worse, they must want to brainwash you into thinking if you were tanner those blemishes and wrinkles wouldn't be as obvious!  However, I have already purchased the package, so I at least have to go for a month.  I don't have a fabulous vacation to look forward to, but at least I will look tan when I lay out at random apartment pools this summer! At least I have that going for me :)

Another positive is that I actually I have time to go run/walk Lucy at the park, instead of running in a safe, lighted area. (that is if I can weed through work traffic)  Lucy and I went to Veteran's Park yesterday and I tried to run with her on a leash.  It never quite works out at Veteran's, there is way too much water and she is too tempted to stop every five seconds.  The run quickly turned into a leisurely walk, which I must say was better since it was like 80 degrees yesterday.  Plus, I didn't feel too bad since I ran almost 4 miles the day before.  For good measure, Lucy and me stopped at Pizza Hut and ended up getting a dinner box, which really wasn't necessary since I am single person.  However, it is just too good of a deal to pass up.  You get a medium pizza, 5 cheesesticks, and 10 cinnamon sticks for $10.  Basically I ate a bunch of bread and cheese, which completed cancelled any previous exercising.  Oh well, it was worth it! :)

Tell me that doesn't look delicious?!

I read these verses last night describing when Jesus was crucified: 

Mark 15: 33-34  At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.  And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

I love these verses.  It is comforting knowing that someone absolutely perfect and completely  faithful actually cried out to his heavenly father questioning why this was happening to him, thinking he had turned away from him.  Good reminder, no matter what happens in your life your heavenly father has a purpose and plan for you.  He NEVER abandons you.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Forced Awkward Intimate Situation Called Dating....

Blind dates might actually be something someone, somewhere made up to torture single people.  I have never had the pleasure (catch my sarcasm) of going on a blind date until last week.  In attempt to put myself out there (as I have been told by so many people to do) I went out on a blind date.  I don't think there will be another anywhere in my near future.  As mentioned in a previous post, persons who have a significant other often think dating around is fun.  It's me, even if you do get a free meal.  So I meet this random in a restaurant, eat my free meal, and have mediocre conversation for an hour and fifteen minutes.  Further, he chose to spend most of the date turned to the side.  I could count on my hands the times he actually made eye contact.  (It should be noted I usually feel awkward when people make too much eye contact, but I do at least like people to look in the general direction of me when conversing.)  I could not get out of there fast enough. 

If "dating" is supposed to help you get over your ex it actually has the opposite effect on me.  I got in the car and started the comparison immediately.  Well...he wasn't as handsome as him, he wasn't as funny as him, he wasn't as charismatic as him, he wasn't even as tall as him (and if you know me that is a big deal).  He didn't hold a candle to him.  Now, yes, I realize they weren't in a race, but my blind date, definitely didn't win the imaginary competition.  The conclusion came that maybe I am not ready for blind dates or for that matter dates in general.

In the meantime I guess I am gonna take advantage of this time by doing things you usually don't do or don't have time to do when you are busy "true-lovin".   For me this includes watching bad reality television (Real Housewives of Anywhere, anything with Kardashians, Teen Mom, The Bachelor, etc.), eating Special K multiple nights a week for dinner, spending way too much time on Pinterest, getting frequent manicures, exercising more frequently (which this isn't a bad thing), and shopping for things I don't need.  Yes, I will take the before mentioned activities over a free meal any day.  I had to add this clip from Wedding Crashers, he pretty much hits the nail on the head!

Plus, don't get me started on internet dating.  People will tell you to try it.  You will think the following:  I am older and I am not going to meet anybody at work. (Most people I work with are women or married.)  I have little to no luck meeting someone out.  Everyone I know is married.  So, you think..."Why not?"  Then you do and you realize why not.  Within the first week of joining an internet dating site.  I had someone write me a three paragraph poem expressing how he knew I was the one.  The other people that contacted me were divorcees in their 40s, men with multiple children, or atheists.  These are the people they think are matches for me?  FAIL.  To say I was underwhelmed with the options was an understatement.  I deleted my account shortly after.  I'll take my chances meeting someone the old-fashioned way.  The right guy will show up when he shows up.

1 Corinthians 8:2-3 Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much.  But the person who loves God is the one whom God recognizes.

Monday, March 12, 2012

This Should be Your Playlist: The Beatles

If you don't like at least one Beatles' song I think there might be something wrong with you.  No, seriously there might be something wrong with you!  I love the Beatles and most of the songs they sing.  One of the best concerts, if not the best concert, I have ever seen was Paul McCartney a couple of years ago.  It was amazing and Paul is a certified bad ass if you didn't know.  If there isn't a Beatles song on your playlist already you oughta be ashamed, so go download one immediately.  I heard Blackbird when I was running tonight and it is definitely one of my favorites.  (Plus, I got to hear Paul sing it live!)

I have got to post another.  There is just too many good ones!  Norwegian Wood:

OK....just one more, Don't Let Me Down

Proverbs 11:2 Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crazy, Stupid Love

Redbox is such a good invention.  However, this is what happens when I rent movies from Redbox.  I keep them like a week and then the $1 movie turns into a $7 movie.  Last weekend when the weather was bad I ended up going to rent some movies and watched Crazy Stupid Love.  I must say it was one of the best movies I have seen in a while.  It was super funny.  I have always liked Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling....where has he been!?  They mention in the movie that he looks like he is photo shopped and he definitely does!

Love is crazy and stupid.  You find someone that is great on paper, that most girls would die to date and not feel a single thing.  Then you find someone that is so different than you on so many levels and you just love that person better than anything.  Crazy and stupid, yes, but LOVE is the best feeling in the world.  That is why there are people lining up to be "crazy and stupid".  As a single person, you know what I miss about being in love.....lots.  It is things you take for granted when you are in a relationship.
  • Someone to call when you leave work
  • Not having any plans for the weekend, but it doesn't matter because you know you will be with him
  • Waking up Saturday morning and having someone to eat lunch with
  • Just having someone to go out to eat with. Period.
  • When you are out of town texts that tell you how much he misses you
  • Texts that say I love you for no reason at all
  • Taking road trips and having someone to talk to the way there and back
  • Holding hands (I also love when you are in church and the preacher is praying the final prayer and he reaches over and holds your hand)
  • Staying in and watching TV on a random night
  • Another thing I miss is when you are head over heels in love, you can be content as can be watching that person sleep.  You watch him sleep and wonder how in the world you got so lucky to be with someone like him.
The list could go on and on, but the simple fact is when relationships don't end the way you planned.  You miss your best friend.  You leave work and reach for your phone, but you can't call that person anymore.  You hear something funny, silly, stupid and you want to tell him, but you can't.  Then you play the waiting game, you wait for the next person that makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world.  I found some pins that I thought went well with this post:

Ah, but what if it does?
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heart vs brain
heart versus brain
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I thought I would end with some Avett Brothers, because, yes, there is an Avett Bros song that describes every situation!

I love this performance of "Please Pardon Yourself".  Scott breaks a banjo string and keeps going.  Every lyric in this song is great.  Here is a couple of my favorites:

please pardon yourself

I adore this lyric:
"How do I know when it's time to stop?
Runnin' from the things I do, being things I'm not
Oh I have tried, but I just changed my mind
Every night befalls every morning light "

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Book Club

After a taking a blog hiatus for a week, I'm back!  I have been thinking of blog posts all week, but have not found the time to sit down to write anything.  The past couple of months I have started to read again.  I used to read a book a week, but when I moved to Birmingham a little over a year ago I stopped for some reason.  The past couple of months I started back and I forgot how much I enjoy it.  I thought I would blog about books I have read recently or ones I have enjoyed in the past.

This year I made a New Year's resolution to read the whole Bible.  I have read books in the Bible, particularly New Testament books, but never the whole Bible.  I have had a One Year Bible for a while, but never read it like I should.  So, I thought I would start fresh on January 1.  Though they say most people give up on their New Year's resolutions by Valentine's Day,  I am proud to say I haven't!  Therefore, my first recommendation is the Bible and I must say it is a good read! :)  Seriously, I definitely would recommend a One Year Bible if you are interested in studying the Bible or re-reading the Bible.  It breaks up the books making it is easier to read.  Every day your read from the Old Testament, the New Testament, a Psalm, and a Proverb, so you won't get bogged down with those Old Testament books.  My Bible is below, but they make a ton of One Year Bibles, so you should be able to find one that fits you.

Last week I also read the book "Something Borrowed" by Emily Giffin.  The title probably sounds familiar because they made a movie recently based on the book with Kate Hudson and Jennifer Goodwin.  Of course, I followed up and watched the movie after I read the book. (You always have to read the book first, because it is almost a guarantee it will be better!)  The movie was cute, but like I predicted the book was better.  I have read Emily Giffin books before and she is a good relatable writer.  Most of her books are geared toward young women and her writing style is really easy to read.  I would recommend reading "Something Borrowed".  It is a good, light weekend read and is quite funny at some parts! 

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Mark 11:24 25  I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours.  But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins too.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

be curious, not judgemental

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Walt Whitman said it best, "Be curious, not judgmental", but let's be honest, we all judge.  I know I do.  I judge people at work, people at the grocery store, and I hate to say it, even my family and friends.  Why do we judge others?  I think it is because we don't understand other's feelings or actions.  We never stop to think maybe they don't understand ours.  Accepting other people for who they are, why is that so complicated?

Judgement comes at you from every aspect of your life, but especially when you are dating someone.  Everyone has that mental checklist in their head.  The checklist that determines if your significant other passes the test and gets to be "the one".  Of course, I have the checklist.  However, looking back at the people I have fallen head over heels in love with, they stray far from my checklist.  So the questions is:  Do you have to meet certain requirements to be "the one" or when you fall in love does the checklist become void?  Furthermore, is it realistic to assume there is someone out there that meets every single one of your requirements?  After much thought and consideration,  I have determined there is no perfect match, because no two people are exactly the same.  How boring would that realtionship be with two people that think exactly the same on every single thing and never ever get in an argument....that just doesn't exist.

In a relationship judgement can be harsh.  If a stranger assumes something about you, who cares! They don't know you, but it is a little different when your partner judges your actions and feelings. Then it is personal.  Everyone likes to be right, no one likes to wrong.  So when should you compromise?  How much critisism can you give your partner before it is just plain mean?

I know I have been judged in previous relationships and it doesn't feel good, but, on a postive note, at least you know where you stand. Here is my laundry list of characteristics that prevent me from being "the one":
you're too quiet
you're too calm
you're not reassuring enough
you're not affectionate enough
you don't go out enough
you're uppity
you go to the wrong church
 you believe the wrong things
you don't wear the right clothes
you're too trendy
you're inappropriate
you flirt too much
you're too liberal
you're selfish
you're indecisive, and, yes, the list could go on and on....

Geez....when you write them all down like that, I really do sound like a winning catch, don't I? ;)

Relationships are not "rainbows and butterflies" they are hard work.  There comes a time when the honeymoon period is over, the rose colored glasses are off and the realization is made there are differences.  Should we try to make it work or go our separate ways?  The decision is made to move forward and then the compromising begins. 

Women are so easily persuaded to compromise all in the name of "love", so eager to please their mate.  If he doesn't like that outfit I just won't wear it, no big deal.  He doesn't like it when I talk to him, I just won't do it.  I mean I love him.  He is the only one I want to talk to anyways.  I am not that affectionate, but he is insecure so I need to make sure I show him how much I love him.  Now hold on a second before we jump to the conclusion "all men are pigs", let's think about.  Do men (and I will clarify most men) ever ask you to change?  Looking back at previous realtionships my ex-boyfriends never asked me to change, I did all this changing and compromising on my own accord, all by myself!  Yes, I am a big girl :)  Women just have this fairytale in their head.  If you love someone you should be willing to work on your relationship and then he will see how hard you're trying, and fall more deeply and madly in love with you.  As we all know fairytales are for children not "big girls" (though I think the majority of women have yet to realize this)

You can compromise your wardrobe, your personality, your beliefs, but that does not guarantee acceptance.  The moral of this story is sometimes you are just never "adequate" and I have to say inadequacy is up there for the worst feeling ever.  The truth is somtimes you just aren't enough for someone, you will never meet their requirements, and there is not enough compromising in the whole entire world that will change that simple fact.  Thought I would end with some words for thought....

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Proverbs 10:12  Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses.