Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crazy, Stupid Love

Redbox is such a good invention.  However, this is what happens when I rent movies from Redbox.  I keep them like a week and then the $1 movie turns into a $7 movie.  Last weekend when the weather was bad I ended up going to rent some movies and watched Crazy Stupid Love.  I must say it was one of the best movies I have seen in a while.  It was super funny.  I have always liked Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling....where has he been!?  They mention in the movie that he looks like he is photo shopped and he definitely does!

Love is crazy and stupid.  You find someone that is great on paper, that most girls would die to date and not feel a single thing.  Then you find someone that is so different than you on so many levels and you just love that person better than anything.  Crazy and stupid, yes, but LOVE is the best feeling in the world.  That is why there are people lining up to be "crazy and stupid".  As a single person, you know what I miss about being in love.....lots.  It is things you take for granted when you are in a relationship.
  • Someone to call when you leave work
  • Not having any plans for the weekend, but it doesn't matter because you know you will be with him
  • Waking up Saturday morning and having someone to eat lunch with
  • Just having someone to go out to eat with. Period.
  • When you are out of town texts that tell you how much he misses you
  • Texts that say I love you for no reason at all
  • Taking road trips and having someone to talk to the way there and back
  • Holding hands (I also love when you are in church and the preacher is praying the final prayer and he reaches over and holds your hand)
  • Staying in and watching TV on a random night
  • Another thing I miss is when you are head over heels in love, you can be content as can be watching that person sleep.  You watch him sleep and wonder how in the world you got so lucky to be with someone like him.
The list could go on and on, but the simple fact is when relationships don't end the way you planned.  You miss your best friend.  You leave work and reach for your phone, but you can't call that person anymore.  You hear something funny, silly, stupid and you want to tell him, but you can't.  Then you play the waiting game, you wait for the next person that makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world.  I found some pins that I thought went well with this post:

Ah, but what if it does?
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heart vs brain
heart versus brain
photo source:

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I thought I would end with some Avett Brothers, because, yes, there is an Avett Bros song that describes every situation!

I love this performance of "Please Pardon Yourself".  Scott breaks a banjo string and keeps going.  Every lyric in this song is great.  Here is a couple of my favorites:

please pardon yourself

I adore this lyric:
"How do I know when it's time to stop?
Runnin' from the things I do, being things I'm not
Oh I have tried, but I just changed my mind
Every night befalls every morning light "

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