Friday, April 18, 2014

The Most Important Man in History Died Today

The most important man in history died for me today.  He died for you too.  A horrible death.  He was beaten beyond recognition, mocked, ridiculed, spat on, and made to carry a cross that later his body would be nailed to.  He hung on that cross dying for hours before his Heavenly Father took him home as he sighed his last words, "It is finished."  WOW.  I don't know another person on earth that loves me that much, and I am confident that I won't come across one either.  I am reminded of a C.S. Lewis quote, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” We weren't made for this world.  This world full of hurt, pain, and suffering.  We were made for much more, but sin crept into all of our lives and continues to on a daily basis.  We lack compassion for others, we are thoughtless with our words, we are selfish, we don't think about our actions and how they affect anyone.  We crave personal comforts and happiness.  We close our eyes to things that don't line up with "our world", "our values".  Things we can't understand.  Thankfully, God never closes his eyes.  He sees the pain and suffering in this world.  I believe in God even when he is silent, because I "know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28)

Good Friday is when Jesus was crucified on the cross.  I am sure Jesus dreaded this day.  He knew his purpose and he knew what he had to do, but I am sure he didn't look forward to his purpose being fulfilled.  Can you blame him?  I weasel my way out of God's will a lot.  I make excuses for my behavior and promise to do better.  Thank goodness his mercies are new every morning! However, Jesus knew he had to die whereas we could be forgiven so we could spend eternity in Heaven.  We are not talking about being called to minister here; his purpose was to save all of mankind.  No weaseling out of that one.  And I am sure glad he didn't! Now I can stumble and fall, make mistakes, and I can receive God's mercy.  His mercies never end. 

Now I'm not necessarily promoting sinning all week long then asking for forgiveness on Sunday, and I don't think that's the message the Messiah taught either.  I reminded of a quote I read once, "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car." However, I think when you really accept Jesus into your heart, your actions, words, your overall demeanor toward your neighbor, the way you choose to live your life will change from within.  Sin becomes unattractive because you are now living with a different purpose.  If you feel the hole in your heart with Jesus, there is little room for greed, addiction, or material things.  Don't get me wrong I spend money on material things and sometimes have a drink on a Friday night too, but I realize these things are not why I am here on earth.  I am here to love others, to show kindness and compassion to others even if it is in small, insignificant ways.  I know God recognizes every detail of my life.  Like Mother Teresa quoted once, "God has not called me to be successful, he has called me to be faithful."  So that is what I decide to do every morning: I try to live my faith to the best of my ability.  I always felt like you didn't have to have to quote scripture to someone to spread the Good News, you can spread the Gospel in your everyday life through your actions and how you treat your neighbor.  Live your life like Christ, and remember what Jesus reminds us in Matthew, "Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." (Matt 25:45)

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!  I hope between all the colorful Easter eggs, bunnies, and baskets filled with goodies we all remember the reason we celebrate this day. 


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