Funny how a chicken sandwich franchise can get so many people fired up. Now if people would react to other political issues with the same vigor! I think the whole thing has turned into a big ole' mess and I think most people are missing the point of the argument. It is not about whether or not you support gay marriage, it is about freedom of speech. We live in America, the land of the free. We can believe whatever we want and say whatever we want! We are one lucky group of people, we Americans! Now if we can just learn to be tolerant of others beliefs, that's the tricky part!
I haven't followed the Chick-fil-A saga as some people have, but this is my take. So the story goes, and forgive me for I am paraphrasing, someone asked the big wig at Chick-fil-A his view on gay marriage and he stated he believes in "traditional" marriage. I personally didn't think this would be a shocker to anyone since Chick-fil-A is an openly Christian business, which closes their doors on Sunday where their employees can have the opportunity to worship, if they please. Then the public uproar came...He can't believe that! He can't support that! That's wrong! That's not what I believe! People we live in America he can believe whatever he pleases! If you don't agree with his beliefs and choose not to eat a Chick-fil-A, that is completely your choice, but goodness gracious just display some tolerance and shut-up about it already. Particularly if you call yourself a "liberal". If you want everyone to have "equal" rights than he should have the right, just like anybody else, to believe what he wants and to voice his opinion! Some people preach equality until you disagree with their version of equality.
I, for one, will continue to eat a Chick-fil-A and it has nothing to do with the owners beliefs on marriage, gay or otherwise. The food is delicious and the customer service surpasses any fast food chain hands down. The other day I waited approximately 2 minutes for a cup of coffee at the 5 points location and I had three different people apologize to me for my wait! Some might not agree with the business on some political issues, but the corporation obviously knows how to hire hard workers and run a successful business. It should be noted I would address the issues of cities banning Chick-fil-A's, if it wasn't so absolutely ridiculous. I think most people understand that closing a successful business that employs many people and stimulates the economy because you don't agree with their opinion on a political issue, well it's just plain stupid. I am sure that the people that are gainfully employed there would agree....
So my opinion (not that anyone cares): I myself I'm a Christian. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, read the Bible, and try to live my life in a way that is pleasing to God. However, I am also a sinner, in fact, I sin everyday. I thank God every time I pray that he sent his only son to die for my sins so I could receive his grace! In the Bible, Jesus teaches one of the most important commandments is love your neighbor like you love yourself. He also teaches he without sin cast the first stone. (which translates into nobody should throw stones!). So I try not to judge, even though I do, I try not to. I wake up everyday and try to be the best person I can be and hopefully everyone else does the same.
I am reminded of a Ben Harper lyric, "Your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm you're alright with me" We all are sinners, so don't judge people because they sin differently than you. If people's actions are not causing harm then shut your mouth! As we learn in kindergarten: "If you don't have anything nice to say than don't say anything at all." Instead, smile, help others, give freely of your time, be thoughtful, work hard, show kindness, and pray. Pray constantly about how you can be a better person and stop worrying about others. Just be good to people! What a wonderful way to worship God just by loving your neighbor! God smiles when he sees good and I hope everyday people see good in me. I wholeheartedly believe God notices every detail of my life. I also believe as the verse says in James "Every good and perfect gift is from above." So maybe one day someone will see good in me and connect it to Christianity. Christians, in a whole, are not the people on pedestals shaking their fingers in judgement. Unfortunately, those "Christians" get the most media attention. Christianity is not shaking your finger and passing judgement, instead it is holding your arms open, welcoming people that are different than you, helping others, showing kindness. How quickly we forget!
The moral of the story is when I stand before God on my judgment day and I believe we all will be held accountable for our actions here on Earth, I don't want God to look at me and say "You judged others harshly and had hatred in your heart." How ashamed I would be! Which reminds me of one of my favorite verses from James:
"There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?" James 4:12
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