I woke up last Sunday morning, proceeded to get ready to go to church; however, while I was walking out the door looked down at my phone to realize the time had changed! Awesome.... well at least I was up and ready for the day. :)
The good thing about the time change is now when I get off work the sunshine is out and it remains light for 2+ hours! I always feel like I can get more accomplished when the sunshine is out. Monday I decided to go buy a tanning package. It should be noted that it has been almost 2 years since I have been to the tanning bed. The tanning bed has its pros and cons. The con is it causing wrinkles and with my 30th birthday quickly approaching I try to avoid anything that causes wrinkles like the plague. The pro is that you look so much better with a tan. It really does give you a youthfu glow! Therefore, I decided to start going again for a couple of months to prepare for the summer, then replace it with laying out by the pool. You have to be careful not to go to the tanning bed too much or you will end up with the "tantastic" tan, as I like to call. The tan that looks too orange and very unnatural. Fortunately, my skin is so pasty white, that I don't think my pigment could ever reach that shade of orange.
I decided to buy a package at Palm Beach Tan, because I previously had a membership there when I lived in Montgomery. The closest one was in Vestavia Hills, which works out because I could stop by on my way home from work. The problem with going to the tanning bed in Vestavia Hills is you are met with beautiful girls 10 years younger than you that are tanning to go on fabulous spring break vacations that will undoubtedly be financed by their daddies. So much for getting a youthful glow....now I really feel like an old maid! Plus, those lights in tanning salons, I think they are programmed to make you look worse, they must want to brainwash you into thinking if you were tanner those blemishes and wrinkles wouldn't be as obvious! However, I have already purchased the package, so I at least have to go for a month. I don't have a fabulous vacation to look forward to, but at least I will look tan when I lay out at random apartment pools this summer! At least I have that going for me :)
Another positive is that I actually I have time to go run/walk Lucy at the park, instead of running in a safe, lighted area. (that is if I can weed through work traffic) Lucy and I went to Veteran's Park yesterday and I tried to run with her on a leash. It never quite works out at Veteran's, there is way too much water and she is too tempted to stop every five seconds. The run quickly turned into a leisurely walk, which I must say was better since it was like 80 degrees yesterday. Plus, I didn't feel too bad since I ran almost 4 miles the day before. For good measure, Lucy and me stopped at Pizza Hut and ended up getting a dinner box, which really wasn't necessary since I am single person. However, it is just too good of a deal to pass up. You get a medium pizza, 5 cheesesticks, and 10 cinnamon sticks for $10. Basically I ate a bunch of bread and cheese, which completed cancelled any previous exercising. Oh well, it was worth it! :)
Tell me that doesn't look delicious?!
I read these verses last night describing when Jesus was crucified:
Mark 15: 33-34 At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).
I love these verses. It is comforting knowing that someone absolutely perfect and completely faithful actually cried out to his heavenly father questioning why this was happening to him, thinking he had turned away from him. Good reminder, no matter what happens in your life your heavenly father has a purpose and plan for you. He NEVER abandons you.
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